
Transworld Accreditation

River Southwest School of Ministry is a member of Transworld Accrediting Commission
International. Serving the Christian education community for over 30 years, Transworld
is a federally recognized, non-profit church educational organization. Their philosophy is
to demonstrate accountability to the consuming public for education obtained in
nontraditional evangelical educational institutions.

TRANSWORLD oversees more than 1000 member institutions including schools,
seminaries, universities, colleges, and institutes both in the United States and
internationally. They provide documented evidence of compliance with standards of
structure and governance, material resources, policies, faculty, and curriculum.

TRANSWORLDS overall purpose is to promote academic excellence and
For more information about Transworld Accrediting Commission International,

P.O. BOX 354629 – PALM COAST, FLORIDA 32135-4629    Telephone (951) 901-5586

Each one reach one, Each one teach one, Make disciples, multiply, multiply, multiply. Win the lost at any cost.

Pastor Daniel Williams — President