Student Code of Coduct
To have “satisfactorily completed” the course and to have “complied with all the requirements necessary” to graduate from RSW involves more than attending classes and getting a passing grade on exams. As a student of a Biblical ministry a course of Bible study and ministerial training requires significantly more.
When you are called to the ministry and commit yourself to God’s Word, God lays claim upon every aspect of your entire life. It is a 24-hour-a-day commitment, and it applies personally, relationally, vocationally, socially, and financially, as well as intellectually. Therefore, much is expected of you in the classroom and beyond.
The real certification each student must pursue is to one day hear Jesus say, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.” The real test that must be passed is not one given in the classroom, but the test of life.
We ask that you look beyond the rules of RSW, and live life by a much higher principle. The rules are designed to encourage and promote a certain level of discipline. However, to be truly successful in life and ministry, one must have far more than an external compliance to rules or an externally motivated discipline. Each student must cultivate an internal discipline, sense of conviction, motivation, and consecration within himself. Such a person does not seek to “do just enough to get by” or judge themselves by the performance of others; rather, they give God their very best, are conscientious, and are fully committed to the task at hand.
It is in this spirit that the RSW Student Code of Conduct is written. It is not designed to be an external rule, but rather, to reflect and articulate the heartfelt commitment of an individual who is sincerely and genuinely seeking to be all that God wants him to be.
The RSW Student Code of Conduct
I. In My Personal Life
A. I will seek to obey God’s Word and glorify Him in every way.
B. I commit to conduct myself in such a way as to be a good witness for Jesus Christ and a positive reflection of RSW.
C. I will be a person of honesty and integrity in all of my dealings with others.
D. I will keep my total being under subjection and will abstain from all illegal and sexually immoral acts, as well as from tobacco, alcohol, illegal drugs, and any other action or substance that is inappropriate for the temple of the Holy Spirit.
E. I will dress modestly and avoid places, practices, and associations that are inappropriate for a Christian preparing for ministry.
F. I pledge to faithfully attend to my financial obligations and live within my income as a good steward, and I will not carelessly leave unpaid debts behind me.
G. I recognize my responsibility to be a positive influence and encourage spiritual growth in the lives of others. I will avoid any behavior that would be detrimental to or a negative influence upon others.
II. As a Student
A. I will be respectful toward the administration, faculty, and support staff of RSW at all times.
B. I will submit to and obey all rules, policies, and guidelines set forth by RSW.
C. I will diligently apply myself to my studies and will seek to achieve optimum spiritual and intellectual benefit from my training.
D. I commit to putting forth every effort to maintain excellent attendance and punctuality. This commitment extends not only to classes but also to all RSW meetings, outreaches and special seminars.
E. I will be honest on all exams and assignments and will avoid any form of cheating, fraud, or plagiarism.
F. I will avoid any conduct that is detrimental to the learning process of others, both inside and outside of the classroom.
G. I will attend church services on a regular and consistent basis and will seek to faithfully serve in my local church.
III. Sexual And Other Harassment Policy
—River Southwest School of Ministry does not and will not condone violations of students’ rights to be free of unlawful harassment. Students are expected to comply with this policy and take appropriate measures to ensure that such unlawful harassment conduct does not occur.
All complaints of unlawful harassment will be promptly, thoroughly, and confidentially investigated, and when necessary, appropriate corrective action will be taken. Any person found to have unlawfully harassed another student will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from school.
Definitions of Harassment:
• Any verbal or physical conduct that threatens, intimidates, or coerces another student, either directly or indirectly.
• Verbal taunting (including racial and ethnic slurs) which, in the student’s opinion, impairs their ability to attend RSW.
• Any unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when such conduct unreasonably interferes with a student’s attendance at RSW or creates an otherwise offensive or “hostile” environment.
Sexual harassment DOES NOT refer to behavior or occasional compliments of a socially acceptable nature. Sexual harassment DOES refer to behavior that is unwelcome, personally offensive, lowers morale, and/or interferes with work effectiveness. Sexual harassment may take different forms, such as a “demand for sexual favors.”
Examples of sexual harassment include but are not limited to:
• Verbal: Sexual innuendoes, suggestive comments, jokes of a sexual nature, sexual propositions or threats. • Non-Verbal: Sexually suggestive objects or pictures, graphic commentaries, suggestive or insulting sounds, leering, whistling, or obscene gestures.
• Physical: Unwanted physical contact including touching, pinching, brushing the body, coerced sexual intercourse, or assault.
As representatives of the Lord Jesus Christ, students must conduct themselves in a manner exemplifying strong Christian character.
Students violating the code of conduct are subject to disciplinary action. All student complaints, disciplinary actions and appeals will be handled by the Dean.

Each one reach one, Each one teach one, Make disciples, multiply, multiply, multiply. Win the lost at any cost.